Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hey Ma! This Cherry Says Toilet Paper!

Ah, toilet paper. Something so simple, yet so essential. Something even the ritziest apartments on Fifth Avenue posses, yet the elite cringe to mention. Toilet paper. Yeah, yeah, there are some important politicians somewhere debating health care which is an important issue. But some of us are sitting on the toilet freaking out because there's no more toilet paper. Then we have to call out to someone not "occupied" at the moment to save our butts....literally. I understand that the war on terror, health care, racist issues, and poverty are some of the biggest problems our nation have ever faced...but I think it's comforting to think that some days, we can just take a break and the biggest problem we have is to wonder if it's politically correct to let the toilet paper hang over the roll or come out from under. (I prefer over...I find it more sanitary because there's no risk of the paper coming into contact with the filthy wall....) When, though, did we start taking this paper seriously? When did children across America begin to recognize the Charmin bears and come to love them? When did we actually start paying attention to the flowered, diamond, or dotted designs on the paper we use to wipe our seats? I'm not sure, but I think that day was a glorious one. One where children rushed to watch the Charmin bear and not worry about getting new toys. One where we found that we took delight in tracing the designs on our toilet paper and realizing that they were extremely attractive. One where politicians put down their differences and bonded together to try to solve the problem of how big a standard "plush" roll should be. Sigh....maybe I'm exaggerating the importance of toilet paper. But nevertheless, stop by, read for a while, make your own decisions, leave a comment. I'll appreciate it. And I hope that somewhere, someone is waiting with the plushest, fluffiest role of toilet paper known to man to save you your next trip to the bathroom.

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