Friday, September 25, 2009

Hey Ma! This Cherry says Airplane Food!

Yup. Airplane food. That sludge that's served on a tasteful plastic tray with that undrinkable, stale airplane water. stomach's growling already. I'm pretty sure that prison food is first tried out on airplanes...just to make sure it's healthy enough for the prisoners, of course. If it turns a few passenger stomachs, hey, that's okay. But at least we don't get in trouble with the state! Okay, okay, I should probably give the airplane cooks a break. It is hard to whip up a gourmet meal for a hundred some passengers and a few, grumpy pilots. But you have to admit, when you're exhausted and on a plane where some balding man is hacking his guts out and a baby is wailing so hard, the windows are shaking, you wish for something else to eat that cold, jiggling jello which your're sure has a life of it's own. I feel even worse for the poor stewardesses, though. They have to load this mess on carts, plaster a bright smile on their faces as they pass out the slime to snappish passenger who send them hateful looks, praying that the passengers aren't so disgruntled as to chuck that whining baby at their faces. Yes, I love airplanes. That atmosphere of terrible food, no sleep, unhappy people, tired pilots, screaming engines, and tiny, smelly bathrooms with sandpaper to wipe your hands with. Sorta like....well, sorta like.....sorta like nothing, actually. Airplanes have an atmosphere of their own. But the horror is almost worth it for that glorious relief that washes through you when the plane touches down and you bolt out the doors. That feeling that you got somewhere safely. That feeling of strength as you realized you survived the greatest torture American citizens are routinely subjected to. It's a great, almost unmatched feeling. Okay, okay, I'll stop babbling, you've probably stopped caring a great while ago. But stop by, read for a while, make your own decisions, leave a comment. I'll appreciate it. And I hope that somewhere, someone is waiting for you, ready to give you a delicious, home-cooked meal not airplane style.

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